Julia Bardo - Reflecting on Identity in the Times of Covid
Italy-born Manchester musician Julia Bardo takes the Covid-induced prolonged separation from her homeland as an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of identity and the impact foreign cultures can have on our perception of life. The outcome is a love letter to the cinema of Fellini and Antonioni and to the need of screaming the attachment to one’s roots.
Mid-Lockdown Cowboy -Reflecting on Masculinity and the American Dream / A Photo Series
Combining the stereotypical characters of Spaghetti Western blockbusters with the identity crisis of the lockdown-age man, art director Aurora Rossi Manni envisions her modern cowboy.
Kit Sebastian Reflect on their Mantra for the Modern Times in Super 8 Short Film
Kit Sebastian release C’est Quoi le Mantra Moderne, an introspective Super 8 short film to reflect on their artistic manifesto and aesthetics.
CutOutVid-19 / Reinventing fashion shootings in the times of Coronavirus
Meet the stylist collective that re-imagine fashion shootings in the times of Coronavirus. Using cut-outs, cinematic references and a futuristic vision, CoutOutVid-19 gives an answer to one of the main challenges currently faced by the fashion industry.